Regular Bazar Vs Starline Bazar Satta Matka


In sattamatka there are various types of games available and it was hard to manage all these games under one name so the three bazaars were introduced in the market. The names of this bazar are regular bazar , starline bazar and king bazar. All these games according to their rules and regulations were listed in this bazaar. In the blog ahead we are going to talk about two famous bazaars out of these three in-depth and the reason they are so popular. So stick to the end because this blog is going to get so much more interesting and full of value. Make sure to read it till the end. If you want to play the games under this bazaar then make sure to visit our website satta jodi. There you will get access to all three bazaars and the games under those. 

Difference between both the bazar

Games available

In the regular bazaar there are a total of thirty-one games present like kalyan matka, Balaji Day, syndicate night, and so on. In Starline bazaar there are only three games available and the name of that game is Kalyan Starline, Milan Starline, and Dubai Starline. All the games that are available in this bazaar are available for twenty-four hours and the player can choose any matka game they like.

Betting option

Both the bazaars have different rules, and regulations and run completely different. The games that are listed under the regular bazaar can be played two times a day, one at the time of opening and the other at the time of closing. In Starline bazaar the player can place bets twelve times a day. All the twelve times to place bets are mentioned and the player can choose one or all the times to place the bets.

Minimum investment

All the games including regular bazaar and starline bazaar have the same amount of minimum investment to play the game and that is only ten rupees. With this much amount, the player can play the game of their choice and win it. You think practically, ten rupees is not that much of a big investment and the player can easily invest 10 to 50 rupees per day to learn and earn the game. 

Which bazaar is the best?

Now you know the difference and the games that are available in this bazaar. It is up to you to choose the game you like. In the regular bazaar a variety of games are available. The player can choose from thirty-one games on the other hand there are only three games available in Starline bazar but this game offers twelve chances to the player. Think carefully and choose the game that you love to play. 


In Satta Matka, the decision between Regular Bazar and Starline Bazar ultimately comes down to the player's tastes and playing style. There are 31 different game options available at Regular Bazar, including Kalyan Matka, Balaji Day, and Syndicate Night. At the beginning and end of each day, players can play the games in Regular Bazar. As opposed to this, Starline Bazar offers just three games: Kalyan Starline, Milan Starline, and Dubai Starline. The twelve opportunities for wagering throughout the day, which gives players greater flexibility in their gameplay, is what distinguishes Starline Bazar.

The low amount of ten rupees continues to be the minimum investment for both bazaars. This makes it possible for players to take part in the games without having to shoulder a heavy financial load and gives them the chance to progressively learn and make money. The decision between Regular Bazar and Starline Bazar ultimately comes down to personal preference. For more visit satta jodi.


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